Workwise - do what matters

High Performance Productivity

The Workwise Program focusses on three key areas to impact performance:

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TUNE OUT the noise 

Very few people come to work to do a bad job but in the flurry of demands and urgencies, many arrive at the end of the day having been flat out all day but with the important things still on their plate. Personal and team behaviours that identify and discourage busyness on the small stuff diminish overwhelm and stress in your team environment.


focus on what matters- The mindset

Team effectiveness is about knowing what matters and being on the same page about it. Our approach enables clarity even through change - ensuring time and effort is invested where it counts. Our Teamweaver approach builds practices and routines that anchor agreement around priorities and consistent evaluation around progress and impact.

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Sustain for life

Sustainable performance is about maintaining health and well-being alongside executing personal and professional priorities. Workwise practices are designed to be responsive to life as it happens. It is a responsive design approach that takes into account the changing realities of the individual and the work environment. In this way practices learnt are built for the long term by maintaining the balance that keeps people at their best. The feedback we often hear is “life changing.”

1. Tune out the Noise

Psychological safety at work begins with the ability to be on top of what is expected from us. Open-plan, open-door, open inbox workplaces are ubiquitous. Some aspects of these may seem like a great idea but they can also be places where it is extraordinarily challenging to get things done. Most people are committed to their role and want to do a good job. They are neither lazy nor unwilling. However, without strategies to deal with the realities of the workplace, many, with the best intention, are working very hard but not always very smart – and certainly not effectively.

Disorganised work environments, unread emails, non-existent or not-followed processes, unnecessary and inefficient meetings and constant interruption of one kind or another leads to missed deadlines and inadvertently spending important parts of our day on low-value activities. The resultant overwhelm and stress inhibits delivery of high performance and sucks energy and motivation.

While you cannot eliminate ‘day-to-day’ responsibilities - the things we all need to do on top of our key priorities - you can certainly dramatically reduce the time spent on them.

“This program has benefited me significantly. I feel I am now well and truly in control of my basic organisation and diary management. The structure of my week now allows me to focus on important initiatives (in work time) whilst also allowing for those unplanned urgent activities that arise. The project structure is also great for planning out key milestones both professionally and personally. A great program and great tools that have really made a positive impact on my work/life balance”

High Performance Unit Management - IAG

2. Focus on what matters

One of the biggest challenges to high performance that people face is the struggle with the less significant many to get to focus on the all-important few activities that have biggest “bang for buck.”

Day-to-day crises in a world of constant and unrelenting notifications which come with the expectation of immediate response distract us from the things we have to do. For many we have become so used to it that we fail to recognise the impact it has on our level of stress and therefore performance. The high performer thinks differently.

The Workwise Productivity Program gives people the tools to become proactive rather than reactive so that they get back the ability to decide what they will and will not focus on. This mind shift is central to high performance since high performers always have the important at front of mind. This program shows you how to do it.

Since our focus will be to dramatically increase the time spent on the few activities that will have the greatest impact on performance, we make sure that not only are participants crystal clear on what matters most but they also have a well-defined roadmap to deliver.

Your team members will be guided by one of our senior coaches who will work on the efficiency and effectiveness challenges facing both individuals and the team as a whole. The Sustainable High Performance Productivity Program will enable you and your team to:

  • Define the few activities which will have a real impact on the performance of the individual and the business

  • Know how to prioritise and focus on these high value activities

  • Take on simple and efficient project management tools

  • Take control of time rather than being reactive

  • Develop sustainable performance behaviour for the long term

  • Avoid information overload and improve day-to-day efficiency

  • Strengthen team and personal etiquettes for shared communication efficiencies.

We have a proven track record of working closely with executives in a wide variety of companies and industries. Our clients include Westpac, St George, Nestle, Suncorp, Abbott, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, Macquarie, Dexus Property Group and Optus to name a few.

For many years I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that I had to content with everyday and I was feeling very stressed at not finding the time to work on the parts of my role that mattered most. Since the program, I now spend so much more time on my projects that have the most impact and the result is that I have a real sense of achievement in my role and leave work everyday with a smile on my face. The short impact will be that I achieve my KPI's for the year. I found the coach to be extremely passionate about what they do and this really made the program come alive. They are the master of turning something theoretical into something practical. This gives so much more meaning and leaves a result that can be seen and felt in an organisation.

I would recommend that anyone who is looking to achieve more in their day with less stress and greater sense of control should participate in this course. It will change your life!"

Head of New Business - Asgard Wealth Management

3. Sustain for Life

The Workwise Productivity Program achieves long term behavioural change and improved well-being through a combination of learning new skills and doing the activities required to improve work habits. The learning is thus hands–on and experiential and genuinely transforms practices while we are still in your business

To achieve our aim of achieving Sustainable High Performance, the program challenges work habits. Our experience has shown that success will be achieved with three key ingredients:

  1. The quality of our approach

  2. The ‘open-mindedness’ of the participants when challenged

  3. The organizational commitment to supporting the implementation in the workplace

This program routinely gives participants back control over their working days. The feedback tells us that each person will get back an average of 1-2 hours per day on high impact activity. Once wins are achieved the behaviours are highly self-motivating – when we run into people years later they will often front up with “still doing it.”

The final session of the program builds strong connection between the newly developed working habits and potential for personal life gains. Achieving a balanced and better life on the whole is key to sustainability (and is definitely what floats our boat in delivering this program).

The Workwise Program delivers the practical skills for the game that enable participants to get the best of their talents into the work arena.

They thus enjoy improved composure and confidence, improved output and results.

Since everyone enjoys these benefits, enthusiasm in the last session is harnessed to coalesce team agreements and etiquettes to sustain these habits in the business and enable team members to support each other in sustaining long term benefits.

"Before doing this program my diary was always full leaving little time to focus on what was really important to me. I was busy but not always on the 'right' things. I had many distractions in my day and found it difficult to keep track of things.

I took my whole team through this program. Everyone got something out of it. We learned from each other, kept each other honest and had a bit of fun with it as a team. Highly recommend as a good use of time. Like anyone, I found it difficult to not feel guilty about indulging my limited time in this sort of development, but after each session I was  very glad I did. This is a great practical program of activities to help anyone improve the way they work. Full of simple approaches to challenge the way you work in a common sense way"